Dasar-Dasar Teori dan Persamaan GelombangGelombang air adalah salah satu fenomena alam yang tidak hanya menarik secara visual tetapi juga menantang untuk dipahami dari sudut…Sep 1, 2024Sep 1, 2024
Understanding the Adaptive Gradient (AdaGrad)AdaGrad is an optimization algorithm designed to adapt the learning rate for each parameter individually during training. The primary idea…Apr 25, 2023Apr 25, 2023
Understanding Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD)Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) is a widely used optimization algorithm in machine learning, particularly for large-scale datasets. To…Apr 22, 2023Apr 22, 2023
Published inGoPenAIGradient Derivation for Single-Layer Neural Networks in Multiclass Classification:A Case Study on the Iris Dataset ExampleApr 19, 2023Apr 19, 2023
Understanding the Adam Optimization Algorithm: A Deep Dive into the FormulasThe Adam optimization algorithm has become popular for training machine learning and deep learning models due to its efficiency and…Apr 15, 2023Apr 15, 2023
Published inGoPenAIMastering Multiclass Classification with Single-Layer Perceptrons: MATLAB Implementation from…IntroductionApr 12, 2023Apr 12, 2023
Building a Multilayer Neural Network from Scratch to Classify the Iris DatasetThe Iris dataset is a popular benchmark in machine learning and data science, consisting of 150 samples of iris flowers, each with four…Apr 10, 2023Apr 10, 2023
A Step-by-Step Guide to Extracting Features for Protein-Protein Interaction PredictionProtein-protein interactions (PPIs) play a central role in driving cellular processes and maintaining the delicate balance within…Apr 9, 2023Apr 9, 2023
Support Vector Machine (SVM): Step-by-step Explanation and Implementation in MATLABSupport Vector Machine (SVM) is a supervised machine learning algorithm for classification and regression tasks. Here’s a detailed…Apr 8, 2023Apr 8, 2023